About Python Programming Language

Wonder which is the highest-selling Smartphone in the world this year? it's Apple iPhone X. Despite many controversies & slowdown issues, it emerged as the highest-selling Smartphone during the first three months of the year 2018. Moreover, its most profitable Smartphone in the world! Still, people trust android over iOS phone. Hey, wait a minute. Are we here to review Smartphones?? Absolutely not!

The whole story was just a background of what we are going to discuss now. Despite many high rated & high paid programming languages, like in our example "iOS". People prefer Python as it's easy to understand and operate upon. 

Ease of Learning Python!

Hello World program is like first word from a toddler's mouth and it's always short and easy. Same goes with "Python". Let's Consider Hello World program in C, JAVA and PYTHON to understand our concept: 

    1.  #include <stdio.h>
    2.  int main()
    3.  {
    5.     printf("Hello, World!");
    6.     return 0;
    7.  }

    1.  public class HelloWorld {
    3.      public static void main(String[] args) {
    5.          System.out.println("Hello, World");
    6.      }
    8.  }

    1.  print "Hello, World"
Now, from above three syntax "Python" is easy to write & easy to understand. isn't it? Just ONE LINE CODE!! 

Why is the programming language Python called Python?

Well, it's not named after the snake or any fancy story. Van Rossum, named it after the BBC comedy troupe Monty Python, of whom he is a huge fan. Additionally, the word "Python" was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language Python."

Why Python ?

Simple and short answer to this questions is: Easy to code & Ease to read. Bonus to this; python is Expressive, Free and Open-Source.
You can download it from the following link: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Features - High Level & Portable Language.

We don’t need to remember the system architecture. Nor do we need to manage the memory. This makes it more programmer-friendly and is one of the key python features. Moreover, portability of python code is like adding jelly to cake. 

Suppose, you’ve written a Python code for your Windows machine. Now, if you want to run it on a Mac, you don’t need to make changes to it for the same. In other words, you can take one code and run it on any machine, there is no need to write different code for different machines. This makes Python a portable language. However, you must avoid any system-dependent features in this case.

Programming Languages influenced by Python.

Python influenced many other programming languages by its design and philosophy i.e: Boo, Cobra, CoffeeScript, ECMAScript, Go, Groovy, Julia, Kotlin, Ruby, Swift, GDScript.

Value & Scope of Python.

Programming Languages like Python or Haskell have high power to weight ratio. Java has low power to weight ratio: it may be powerful for many tasks, but its verbosity (~weight in analogy) is terrible. 


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